Types of Dependent Visa for Australia

Types of Dependent Visa for Australia


Types of Dependent Visa for Australia

Under the types of Dependent Visa scheme, international students and professionals can call their families in Australia. In this blog, we will talk about the types of Dependent visa in a detailed form that can help you to bring your loved ones toAustralia sooner.

Family Visa

You can bring your family member to Australia under a Family Dependent visa. Your family is eligible for a dependent visa if you have a child or partner living abroad that you want to join, or if you are temporarily working or studying in Australia.

Child Visa

This visa is available to children who have one or both biological parents who live in Australia.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Dependent to the parents who are either citizen of Australia or an eligible citizen of New Zealand
  2. Be under 18 years, a full-time student under the age of 25 who is financially dependent on a relative, or a full-time student over 18 who is unable to function due to a disability.
  3. Should be outside of Australia while the process is going on.

Entitlements of Child Visa:

  1. Stay in Australia as a permanent resident.
  2. Study and access Medicare
  3. Apply for Australian citizenship (if eligible)

The cost for the processing takes about AUD 2,665.

A Child Visa is also available for stepchildren and adopted children (Subclass 101).

For More: Child Visa

Dependent Student Visa

If you are willing to study in Australia, you can bring your family members with you under a Dependent Student Visa. The details of the family member can be included in the original application or you can apply after your course starts in Australia. 

Single children under 18 years, spouse, and partners are eligible for this type of visa.

If you are including your family member in the original application, then you must include all your members on the original form 157A of a student visa.

If you are applying for a dependent student visa after the course starts the following documents should be submitted:

  1. Form 919, nominations of student dependants
  2. Form 157A, application for student visa
  3. Letter from your teacher stating:
    • Name of the course
    • Length of the course and expected completion date
    • If you are satisfying the course requirements
  4. Evidence of financial support for the dependants.
  5. Proof of family ties like marriage or birth certificate.
  6. Health insurance
  7. Evidence of school enrollment

Dependent Work Visa

If you are coming on a worker visa, your dependent family members are entitled to enter Australia.

If you are coming on a temporary worker visa, only your spouse or partner and any single children under the age of 18 are entitled to enter Australia.

If you are coming on a migrant worker or business visa, any dependent family members are entitled to enter Australia including spouse, partner, single children under the age of 18, parents or grandparents.

So, that’s what you need to know about different types of dependent visas, and we hope this blog helped you figure out which form of visa your dependents will be eligible for.

Also, Visit our website for any kind of queries about Australia. You can also contact us at +61 2 8056 7110 or email us at info@yespeople.com.au.
