Before pursuing your education abroad, an individual needs to do thorough research on the course, financial plan, university, accommodation and many more.
This will be one of the most important and critical choices a student takes in their life. Sometimes the decision is made by the student itself or by the family pressure.
After all the selection and research, what if you find the course too difficult, come across you are passionate about other fields of study, or you could have made a better decision?
So, if you are thinking of changing the course or institution we are here to help you in any way.
Australian Universities allows global students to transfer the subject or university. But first, a few conditions are followed where you need to check and organize a few things, contact the student services. You must review the conditions of your student visa to ensure that you follow the proper protocols for maintaining your visa.
Here are a few things you need to know before changing the course or institute:
If you want to move to a new course at the same university where you are currently studying the following major schema should be considered.
If you wish to change the course which is at the same level or higher level the only thing you need to do is show interest for the new course to your university. After the approval, the university will update your course to the Department of Home Affairs. Unless your existing visa is about to expire you do not need to apply for a new visa in this process.
If you wish to change the course to a lower level or that belongs to a different field of education you should apply for a new student visa. Only the students changing from a doctoral degree to Masters degree can pursue with the same visa.
Before moving to a different institution, you need to talk to your current institution for guidance. In certain conditions, if you have not completed a minimum of six months of the key course of study at your current institution for which your visa was issued, the new institution would be obligated to enroll you.
You must concern your current institution for approval if you want to move institutions before completing the first six months of your key course of study. To apply for a letter of release from your current institution, you will need a letter of offer from the new institution.
There are a few main steps to review before the transfer process:
Book an appointment with a student consultant
Understand your financial requirements
Review your visa requirements and conditions
Prepare the documents on schedule
You need to have proper guidance or else you may end up with missed opportunities, financial hardship and student visa problems. You must contact the Department of Home Affairs if you plan to change your institute or course in Australia at any time.
Visit our website for any kind of queries about Australia. You can also, contact us at +61 2 8056 7110 or email us at